Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo begins with a teenage Diana struggling to find her place in the island of the Amazon's knowing that everyone but her has earned their right to live there. While running a foot race, Diana sees a ship explode just beyond the barrier and feels compelled to swim out and help. She rescues another teenage girl named Ali's and hides her in a cave. When Alia's presence causes a series of unnatural events in the island, Diana seeks the advice of the Oracle. She learns that Alia is a Warbringer, a child of Nemesis, who can plunge the world untoward simply by living to her next birthday. The only way to save the island, the world, and Alia's life is to get her to a spring in Greece at the gravesite of Helen of Troy.
A entertaining tale with plenty of twists and turns. I thought Bardugo did an excellent job of keeping the character of Diana in line with the image created by the comics and subsequent television and movie ones. The setting, however, does not fit chronologically with the dc comics universe; and while the modern-day tale is well done, I wish it had meshed better with the overall timeline. 4 stars
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