The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan is the second installment in the Trials of Apollo series. Apollo travels to the Midwest with Leo and Calypso astride Festus the bronze dragon searching for the cityscape from his dreams, which turns out to be Indianapolis. The city is under the control of the second crazy emperor of the triumvirate, aka Commodus son of Marcus Aurelius. It is also nearby the dark and dangerous cave that houses the oracle Trophonius, one of Apollo's children who naturally hates him. With a to do list that includes rescuing griffins, infiltrating the emperor's stronghold to free the captives and recover the throne of memory, and surviving a cave that will force him to swallow death and madness, Apollo reunites with Meg to continue his quest to restore prophecy, stop the triumvirate, and hopefully regain his place in Olympus.
Apollo still spends plenty of time thinking of himself and worrying about dying. Actual I found the rambling a little more annoying than funny this time, but still the plot was face paced and entertaining enough to make up for a spoiled protagonist. He does finally start to show some character growth towards the end of the novel so I give the book 4 stars.
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