The final installment of the Others series telling the story arc centered on the Lakeside Courtyard, Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop is an amazing finale to the five book series. Everything seems to have settled down at Lakeside after the actions of the Elders in response to the bloodshed by the HFL movement in Thasia and the invasion of the CelRomano forces into the surrounding Wild lands across the ocean. Then Montgomery's trouble-making brother turns up looking for free handouts and an easy score. Because the two Elders visiting the courtyard wish to study the troublesome human, Simon must allow him to stay in the apartment complex the Others purchased across the street despite the fact that no one wants him there. When his first schemes fail, Jimmy sets his sights on Meg as his means to easy street. But he has no idea how to care for a blood prophet, and Meg is determined to once again follow her prophecy to freedom.
Of course anyone who has read the previous books in the series knows that the summary above leaves out the best parts of the book. Like previous books, this one is packed with day to day humor based on slight misunderstandings between species: Kowalski accidentally accepting the role of prey in a chase game with the wolf pack who found his bike irresistible and Meg calling the Elders bad puppies for demanding cookies without saying please because she misunderstands who is leaving her notes are my two favorites. The relationship between Simon and Meg continues to grow into a very satisfying ending. Similarly being able to look back and see the growth of the individual characters over the course of five books makes me appreciate what an amazing job the author has done with her character development. This series definitely ranks along one of my all time favorites. Five stars.
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