Bone Crossed by Briggs is the fourth installment in the Mercy Thompson series. As Mercy struggles to recover from the final events of the third book, her friend Stephen suddenly appears in her house warning her that Marsilia, the leader of the local seethe, knows Mercy was responsible for the death of one of her vampires and will be coming for her. Adam protects Mercy by making her a member of his pack and warning the vampires that the wolves will step in to protect Mercy, who is now Adam's declared mate. While the wolves and vampires negotiate, Mercy travels to Portland with Stephen for backup to try to help an old friend with a troublesome ghost. The ghost turns out to be more dangerous than Mercy expected, but he is still not as dangerous as her friend's dinner guest, a solitary vampire nicknamed the monster who wants to add Mercy to his collection of sheep.
Another fun-filled read that I would recommend for ages 18 and up.
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