Captains Courageous by Kipling recounts the adventures of a spoiled son of a railway tycoon, who falls overboard from a steamer, and is picked up by a fishing boat. The captain resolutely refuses to turn the back to shore despite all of Harvey's promises of rewards, and after a solid punch in the face by the captain, Harvey agrees to work aboard the ship for the remainder of the season for a small salary. Needless to say, the hard work and company do wonders for the boy's character. At the end of the season, his parents are overjoyed to find their son safe, and his father, for the first time, actually takes an interest in Harvey and begins to form a relationship with him.
If you like some of Kipling's other stories, I would say this one is worth trying. It's definitely more of a guy book, but I found it interesting and consider it worth the time to read. I would put the age recommendation at 12 and up.
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