Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Fleming is the delightful tale of the adventures of the Pott family and their very unique car. Commander Pott is an explorer and an inventor. After creating a candy that can also act as a whistle, he and his family take the money and go hunting for an unique car with a license plate that reads gen ii. They find finally come across the perfect car, and the commander closets himself in his workshop to restore the car and unveils the finished product to his family after a great deal of work. They christen the car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang after the distinct sounds that is makes upon starting and head out one hot summer day toward the beach. As expected the traffic is horrendous and the family despairs of reaching there destination when sending the words pull down light up for one of the many knobs that the commander has not yet identified. Moments later with newly spread wings, the family is airborne. Since the beaches are too crowded, they head out over the channel to picnic on a sandbar that lies uncovered during low tide. As the tide approaches, the family piles back in the car where a new knob flashes, and they soon find themselves skimming over the surface of the English channel. The commander announces that they are heading to France in search of adventure, but the strong current carries them to the cliffs of France. After hunting along the shore, they discover a cave in the cliffs, which they follow and discover to be the secret weapons storehouse of the infamous criminal Joe the Monster, who is none to pleased to catch them blowing up his cave. Joe kidnaps the children while their parents are asleep, and it is up to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to save them.
My 8 year old and I both enjoyed this book as a read aloud. I would recommend it for ages 7 and up.
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