Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery is the delightful classic tale of a red-haired, imaginative orphan by the name of Anne Shirley. Anne is mistakenly brought to Green Gables when the Cuthberts request for an orphan boy was incorrectly relayed. Matthew Cuthbert is immediately and surprisingly taken by the young girl even though he generally avoids most females with the greatest dread. Marilla, his no nonsense sister, insists that Anne must be sent back, but then doesn't have the heart to have another woman take her in order to care for her children. Anne spends a delightful summer getting to know every inch of her new home. Despite Marilla's constant attempts to curb Anne's runaway imagination and tongue, she finds herself in trouble after trouble over the course of the book.
I hadn't read this book in ages, so it was fun to pull it out for a reread. While I still enjoyed Anne's antics, I confess to sympathizing far more with Marilla than I ever did when I was younger. I'd recommend this one for girls ages 8 and up.
I know I read and loved this book when I was younger, but I can barely remember the details. Probably a good sign that it's time for me to go ahead and reread it, too! :)