Sunday, February 28, 2016

Book 10: Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done:  The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by Allen is a system designed to clear the mind of all the clutter of jostling projects, responsibilities, things to do, etc. and funnel it into a manageable system of actionable items to be completed.  The system has 5 steps:  collecting, processing, organizing, reviewing, and doing. 

  1. Collecting involves pulling out all of the things that need to be done or for larger items jotting down what needs to be done and adding that paper to the in pile.  Then starting on blank paper and brainstorming all of the things that need to be done that may not have a physical item associated with them.  
  2. Processing involves taking that pile and determining what the next action for each item needs to be.  Items with no action are trashed or filed as either possibilities or reference.  Items that have actions are done if they require less than two minutes, delegated, or deferred either to a specific calendar day or a series of next action lists. 
  3. Organizing details how to set up the lists required and file any related material.  The lists are set up based on where the work needs to be done:  call items, office items, house items, etc. 
  4. Reviewing involving setting aside a time weekly to go over the current lists and go through the previous steps with any new items that come in. 
  5. Doing involves identifying when you have open time and accomplishing the items on the list based on the time available, energy level, etc.

For projects he recommends brainstorming all the outstanding projects and sorting them into a current project list and a someday/maybe list. Simple projects with only a few steps would then only require determining what the next action is and then placing that action on the appropriate calendar space or action list. For larger projects he recommends visualizing what the desired outcome is and then brainstorming what steps are needed to get to that point in a mind mapping type of format. The mind map can then be used to determine what steps can be taken at the current time to move the project forward. Longer term goals can be handled in a similar manner.

This newest version does not have any changes to the core ideas.  The organizing step is more flexible.  Although he still suggests the same categories, he also emphasizes that different groups work for different people and some may require additional subcategories.  He also removed any specific references to technology or software.  The book has also added discussion related to our more digital world and cognitive science research explaining why the system works.  I would recommend Getting Things Done for anyone looking for an intuitive system for staying on top of things either at work or at home.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Book 9: City of Bones

In City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, young Clary goes to a club with her best friend Simon where she sees a group of teenagers murder a demon, but no one else notices.  Then her mother disappears, and another demon tries to kill her.  She is taken to the Institute by Jace and introduced to the world of shadowhunters (part human, part angel).  She discovers that her missing mother was a former shadowhunter, her father is an evil not actually dead villain, and everyone wants the missing mortal cup which can create new shadowhunters.

I wanted to like the book.  I like the concept of shadowhunters, who are suppose to protect mortals from demons and other supernatural beings that break the rules, but found the actual plot to be predictable.  Clary was a typical rebellious teenager, who did whatever she thought was best with little thought to the consequences.  The other shadowhunters were not very likable, and I didn't find the supposedly witty remarks funny.  Needless to say I won't be passing this one on to my teenagers.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Book 8: The Misanthrope

The Misanthrope by Moliere is a French comedy written in 1666.  The main character Alceste despises the current trends in French society of empty praise and unmerited flattery and decides instead to denounce all men and speak with brutal honesty instead.  His friend Philinte advocates a less confrontational approach calling him to be more lenient and to cease his rantings.  He points out Alceste's own hypocrisy in decrying the flattery of men while at the same time being in love with Celimene, who is known for her coquettishness.  When Alceste asks Celimene to prove her love by sending away the other suitors, she declares that she loves him but does not wish to send the others away.  Later he demands she prove her love by leaving Paris with him to live away from other people; but while she is willing to marry him, she does not wish to leave Paris causing Alceste to declare he will no longer be her suitor.

While I find the ideas of the play thought-provoking and think Moliere did an excellent job in showing the folly of both brutal honesty and empty flattery, I did not enjoy this play nearly as much as Tartuffe.  The play is more character focused than plot focused, and quite frankly I disliked the characters.  While some of the dialogue was quite witty, I did not find the play entertaining or humorous.  I still believe that there is value is reading the play and exploring the ideas that it presents, but it is not something that I would read for enjoyment.

For me the crux of Moliere's position is found in the following passage:

"Come, let's forget the follies of the times
And pardon mankind for its petty crimes;
Let's have an end of rantings and of railings,
And show some leniency toward human failings.
This world requires a pliant rectitude;
Too stern a virtue makes one stiff and rude;
Good sense views all extremes with detestation,
And bids us to be noble in moderation.
The rigid virtues of the ancient days
Are not for us; they jar with all our ways
And ask of us too lofty a perfection.
Wise men accept their times without objection,
And there's no greater folly, if you ask me,
Than trying to reform society.
Like you, I see each day a hundred and one
Unhandsome deeds that might be better done,
But still, for all the faults that meet my view,
I'm never known to storm and rave like you.
I take men as they are, or let them be,
And teach my soul to bear their frailty;"(23)

My initial takeaway from the play.  Honesty should be tempered by compassion and humility, but striking the right balance is something with which man has always struggled.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Book 7: Written in Red

Written in Red by Anne Bishop is the first book in her series called "The Others".  In this fantasy, the Others (shapeshifters, vampires, elementals, and more) are in control, and humans (called monkeys by the Others) are safe only so far as they are useful.  Desperate to be free, Meg Corbyn finds a job in the one place she might be safe, the Others' Lakeside Courtyard where human law does not apply.  Her job is to be the courtyard's Human Liason accepting deliveries from human businesses for Courtyard residents.  Her first day on the job is not promising...
"Get this into your head, Meg Corbyn.  We don't let humans live in out part of the world because we like you.  We let you live here because you can be useful, and you've invented things that we like having.  If it wasn't for that, you'd all be nothing but meat.  Which is something you should remember." (29)

But unlike previous liasons, Meg proves to be kind, honest, and very different from any human the Others have ever encountered.  She is actually a blood prophet whose ability to prophesy brings a lot of money to the man from whom she ran.  When the police bring a wanted poster of Meg claiming she is a thief, the courtyard leaders decide to protect her because she is like by both Grandfater Erebus (the oldest vampire) and Winter (an elemental the no one dares anger).  Meg is given a new apartment further in the compound where she will be safer, but the prices paid for her prophesies mean that the controller will not give up. 

In contrast the book is also sprinkled with bits of humor as the Others and Meg figure out how to get along...

"'I drive just fine,' Meg snapped.
'Considering you don't know how.' ...
Folding her arms, she stared out the side window and muttered, 'Bad Wolf.'
His only response was to burst out laughing." (137) 

"'Sam gave him an incredulous look. ' If I don't wear the harness, how am I supposed to pull Meg out of a snowbank when she falls in?'
Simon kept his eyes on the road.  The boy had said when, not if.  Just how often did Meg fall into a snowbank?  Was she clumsy, or was it play?  Or did she end up in the snow after getting tripped up by a puppy?" (312)

Over all it's a great story.  Even if you don't normally enjoy the urban fantasy genre, I would say give the book a try.  This is my second time through the book, and it will definitely be a book I come back to read again in the future.  5 stars.

Book 6: Tartuffe

Tartuffe by Moliere is a French comedy written in 1664.  Orgon, a wealthy nobleman, has invited into his home a "pious" man named Tartuffe to guide his household in religious manners.  Tartuffe's hypocritical religious charade fools only Orgon and his mother while the rest of the family wishes him gone.  Troubles come to a head when Orgon decrees that his daughter should marry Tartuffe instead of Valere, the young nobleman whom she loves.  Orgon's wife Elmire tries to ask Tartuffe to change his mind and is shocked when he makes advances upon her.  The hot-headed son Damis tries to break Tartuffe's hold by telling his father about these advancement; but Orgon refuses to listen, banishes his son, and decides to make Tartuffe his heir.  Finally Elmire convinces Orgon to hide in the room while she talks with Tartuffe to expose his deception, but since Orgon has already given everything to Tartuffe instead of him leaving he gives Orgon's family a notice of eviction and goes before the king to charge Orgon with treason.  Were it not for the king's recognition of Tartuffe's treachery, Orgon would have been ruined; but all is set to right as legal document giving Orgon's possessions to Tartuffe is nullified and the true traitor is imprisoned.

I found the play to be witty and thought provoking and would recommend it as a must read.

Favorite passages:  From Dorine to Tartuffe upon being asked to cover her bosom

"It's strange that you're so easily excited;
My own desires are not so soon ignited,
And if I saw you naked as a beast,
Not all your hide would tempt me in the least."

Advise from Cleante to Orgon

"Ah, Brother, man's a strangely fashioned creature
Who seldom is content to follow Nature,
But recklessly pursues his inclination
Beyond the narrow bounds of moderation,
And often, by transgressing Reason's laws,
Perverts a lofty aim or noble cause."

"Learn to distinguish virtue from pretense,
Be cautious in bestowing admiration,
And cultivate a sober moderation.
Don't humor fraud, but also don't asperse
True piety; the latter fault is worse,
And it is best to err, if err one must,
As you have done, upon the side of trust"

Note:  All quotes come from Richard Wilbur's translation